Sunday, May 4, 2014


Summer is on its way and we're just not that good in the sunshine, us Chittendens. We sneeze and sweat and fry and I'm not entirely sure there's a paler family than us out there. In the colour spectrum, we sit somewhere between 'milk bottle' and 'translucent' and we definitely give the White Walkers a run for their money. 

I remember when James and I went on our first holiday together in Vegas. We sat in our swimwear on bright white sun loungers by the hotel pool, and later discovered that the area we were in was out of bounds for guests. Why had nobody come over to tell us to move, we wondered? Then we realised it was because we were so pale, we'd blended into our surroundings. We just looked like abandoned sunglasses on sun lounges. WE WERE INVISIBLE.

Anyway, I digress. This weekend has been gloriously sunny and Samuel continued the family tradition of looking awkward whilst relaxing in the sun when James popped him on this hammock in the park on Saturday. 

I wasn't around because I was making a long overdue trip to Reading to spend the day with L who is stuck at home going stir crazy after breaking her foot. It was so good to see her, and it was such a luxury to be able to sit outside in her garden to eat lunch and shoot the breeze. Of course, true to form, by the time I left I had several highly attractive streaks of sunburn across my ruddy face. Then yesterday we took Samuel to the park and my hay fever kicked in with a vengeance. It all heralds the beginning of another summer that the Chittendens will endure with all the dignity of goths in a sauna.

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