Sunday, April 6, 2014

Back home

Samuel and I are back at my Mum's place. We'd planned this visit for ages - it was meant to be a relaxed week of fun with Granny but things haven't quite turned out like that. 

My wonderful Nannan died earlier on this week so there's a lot of sadness around. She was 98, but her passing still came as a shock. She was a tiny thing, but full of vitality and strong as an ox. Not only was she the kindest and funniest person that I've ever known, but she was also my inspiration. She had such a difficult life, especially as a child. And, get this, she had six children. Six! It's only when you become a mum yourself that you realise the sheer magnitude of that achievement - especially in the days before washing machines, Mumsnet and Dr Google. But the thing about my Nannan was that it really didn't matter how many children she had, or how many grandchildren (15 at last count), she still always managed to make each of us feel special. She always had time for us. And cake. And a schooner of sherry. I miss her and I'm sure I'll write about her again - and write about her better - soon.

In the meantime I'm just glad that we're here with my mum, and that little sis is here too. In between all of the arrangements that need to be made and the tears and the memories and the glasses of wine, we've been getting out lots with Samuel and he's been having a whale of a time. We've taken advantage of deserted playgrounds (everyone has a garden up here so playgrounds are totally underused - I don't think we're in London anymore, Toto), we've got giddy and rosy-cheeked at soft play and we had an interesting morning at the Sheffield Half Marathon today. Little sis was meant to run it and us to watch, but it was cancelled - a total shambles by all accounts - so she headed home with her friend. She didn't have her phone with her, though, so we went there regardless since we'd heard most runners still took part, albeit unofficially. It took us a long time - and numerous extremely complicated and protracted messages via mutual Facebook friends - to contact each other and work out what was going on, but we managed to have a fun morning there with Samuel anyway. And there may have been a little fairground train involved. And perhaps a Starbucks. We made the most of it, because as far as life goes, you have to, don't you?

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