As I sat there, I had a thought. It had taken a year to get here, but this was it. This was exactly how I'd hoped maternity leave would be.
And then I had another thought. I'm not actually on maternity leave any more.
The fact of the matter is that I handed my notice in at work a few weeks' ago. It was such a difficult thing to do. My role had been a dream one - a copywriter at a cancer support charity that I love with all my heart. A charity which helped my family and I beyond belief when my dad was ill. A charity with a fabulous tone of voice that fully complemented - and even encouraged - my love of puns. Jobs as good as that are hard to find.
But I know I made the right decision for us. Childcare costs are astronomical - way too prohibitive for someone on a charity copywriter's salary - and my gut instinct tells me that I should stay home to look after Samuel myself. I've gone and got quite attached to him, truth be told. So that's that then.
Except that it isn't. Not quite. Writing is still important to me. Punning is a big part of who I am (few things beat the thrill of seeing a completely ridiculous headline of mine in print). And I'd be lying if I said that after years of earning my own crust I've found it easy to be financially dependent on James. I haven't. And that's why I'm going freelance.
I've no idea if it will work out, if I'll pick up much work at all or if I'll be able to find that elusive work-life balance that you hear mums talking about. But I'm rather excited about it nonetheless. So if you hear of anyone who needs some nice words, funny words, luxurious words, inspirational words or persuasive words, do tell them to give me a shout.
Now all I need to do is rustle up an online portfolio and decide whether or not I should include a headline I once wrote to promote a Lionel Richie album (Hello! Is it this CD you're looking for?).
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